Monday, November 18, 2013

There's Never Been A Better Season To Host Your Corporate Party At Peters Place

Peters Place Restaurant has been hosting weddings, bridal showers, birthday parties and anniversaries for over thirty years. We also specialize in business parties, and this year we're pulling out all the stops!

For a limited time, through November 30th, any business that schedules their holiday event with Peters Place will receive a 10% discount off their total food bill!

Dates are filling fast, so if it's your year to plan the office Christmas party or year end event, you need to contact us today at (412) 221-5000. We have multiple event rooms and are able to accommodate any group up to 300 people. If your workplace isn't quite as large, that's OK, as we also have more intimate rooms available that will suit your needs.

You can review our menu and pricing options online at www.petersplacerestaurant.comor schedule an appointment to come in select the room that would best suit your function.

With options like our famous Seafood Bisque, Stuffed Chicken Breast, Veal Parmigiana, Virginia Spots and Filet Mignon, we're sure your coworkers will be more than pleased with your efforts! We even offer a wide dessert menu featuring a variety of Cakes, Pies , Chocolate Mousse and Pecan Balls.

You can choose from a cash bar option or an open bar as well. Select from a full range of house brands or premium brands. We provide the bar tender, you provide the fun!

Remember, dates are becoming scarce! If you're still searching for the “just right” venue for your office party, Peters Place is only a phone call away!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Top Ten Reasons To Host Your Thanksgiving Dinner At Peters Place

Thanksgiving is a great holiday, that brings friends and family together to share in what is really important, including a moment to share in your gratefulness for all of the blessings of the past year.

Traditionally, families enjoy gathering in one location on this day, which certainly does pose a great deal of work and unneeded stress for the host. Why not consider attending Peters Place Annual Thanksgiving Buffet this year? Listed below are The Top Ten Reasons you may want to consider starting a new family tradition.

    10. No Dishes
Nobody likes to do dishes, and cleaning up is never as fun as actually eating and enjoying the meal. At Peters Place not only will you not have to clean any dishes, you won't even have to set or clear the table.

  1. No Football In The Background
    Don't misunderstand us, we like football just as much as anyone ( even if the Steelers are....struggling?). Wouldn't it be nice to actually sit across the table with your extended family and enjoy the lost art of conversation, even if it's only for one day? The Pilgrims and their guests didn't need to have any media distractions as background noise when they celebrated their inaugrial Thanksgiving.

  1. No Leftovers To Go To Waste
    Admit it, you always worry about not having enough food for your Thanksgiving guests. It's always better to error on the side of caution and every year you prepare way too much. Granted, having some leftovers is nice......for a day or two, but don't you always end up throwing most of these left overs away on Sunday night? Wasting food always brings about a feeling of guilt. At Peters Place you won't have to worry about having enough food, there will be plenty to go around for seconds, thirds, fourths......

  1. No Complaints About Your Cooking
    It's Thanksgiving, but there is always someone who will have something negative to say about at least one of your prepared dishes. They may not say it directly, but you will know when they leave your a barely touched portion of your homemade stuffing on their plate. Our buffet, which includes Fresh Roasted Turkey, Maple Brown Sugar Glazed Ham, Orange Roughy even Herb Crusted Lamb! (Your miserable uncle who complains about everything would even have a hard time finding something surly to say about that!)

    6. No Cooking......Period!
    Let's face it, it's a ton of work to cook and prepare that Thanksgiving meal. Not only is there an increase in your utility bill based on the use of the oven for that bird and all of the other side dishes involved, you will need to mentally and physically prepare to cook more food for one meal than you do at any other time of the year! And can you really enjoy the fruits of your labor? Chances are by the time everything is placed on the table you're too tired to even enjoy the meal! Maybe this year you let Peters Place handle the cooking?

    5. No Worries About Preparing Your Home For Guests
    No, we're sure you don't live in a dirty, disorganized home, but if you know you're having guests over, chances are you get a bit meticulous with the appearance of your house. After all, some of your visitors are only in your home this one time each year. Not only do you have to worry about preparing the food, you have to make sure you have the good towels in the bathroom and that every room is dusted and vacuumed. You don't want your cousin's snooty wife talking about how there was dog hair on the sofa, right? And what about after everyone leaves, after having spent a full day eating and lounging at your place? Do you think, from past experience, they won't leave until they help you clean up whatever mess they may have made?

  1. Little Jenny Can't Eat Green Beans With Walnuts”
    Sorry, Jenny's Mom, but how was I to know that she had a peanut allergy? Or that you're on a gluten-free diet? Relax. At Peters Place, if any of your guests have a food allergy or specific diet requirements, just let us know. We can tell them specifically what ingredients went into each item on the buffet and if that doesn't work for them, they could always order off the menu.

  1. You Won't Have To Wait On Anyone
    We're not referring to what time your guests arrive (don't you hate it when you say the meal is at 1:00pm, but you always have to wait for that one family who always thinks that doesn't apply to them?), we're speaking about having to wait on the needs of your guests. That water glass needs refilled? Tommy dropped his fork? You deserve to relax as much as your guests! At Peters Place, we will handle all of those little responsibilities so you can actually enjoy your meal.

  1. It's Really Expensive To Buy All Of This Food!
    We mentioned early about the increase in your utility bills to cook and host a Thanksgiving gathering, but what about the actual cost of the food? Turkey, potatoes, ham, stuffing, yams, not to mention all the desserts, even if you make them from scratch! (Maybe even especially if you make them from scratch!) Yes there is a definite cost involved to hosting a Thanksgiving dinner, and it can add up quickly! Which leads us to our Number One Reason You Should Host Your Thanksgiving Meal At Peters Place.......

  1. All You Can Eat For Only $23.95!
Yes, that's right, our Annual Peters Place Thanksgiving Buffet is only $23.95. The price for children 12 and under is only $5.95 and if you have children under 5 it's only $3.95! All things considered, you can't really pass up having your family dinner at Peters Place, can you?

Call us at 412- 221-5000 for more details or to book your reservation now. Hurry, as we always have a large turnout for our Annual Thanksgiving Buffet!